Internet Lawyers, Los Angeles, California

The practice of law as it relates to the internet, computer, and technology laws is a fast-growing industry in Los Angeles, California. Mr. Atrizadeh has significant experience in the realm of computer information science and software-hardware technologies. In fact, prior to being a licensed attorney, he worked with high-tech organizations for many years, and as a result, he knows the related business and technological intricacies. Mr. Atrizadeh has ample knowledge about computer information science and has worked as an adjunct professor to teach students about the various aspects of information technology. So, his experience and expertise in computer information science and the law have assisted him in better understanding the problems. Mr. Atrizadeh handles several different types of Internet-related cases on an on-going basis, including, but not limited to, issues related to cloud computing and cyberpiracy, electronic contracts, online advertising, and online harassment.

For example, on or about September 18, 2012, Mr. Atrizadeh successfully represented a client in a case involving a domain name dispute before the National Arbitration Forum ("NAF"). The client filed a complaint with the NAF for an order requiring the respondent to transfer its domain name which was the disputed domain to the client. Mr. Atrizadeh's client rightfully owned the domain name and had registered the same trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office ("USPTO"). Upon evaluation, the NAF found that since our client was not required to register its trademark with a national registry, its registration with the USPTO was sufficient to establish its rights. Mr. Atrizadeh was able to demonstrate using the evidence that the client had a right to the domain name because the two domain names were sufficiently similar to cause confusion among the public and the respondent did not own any trademarks or service marks to demonstrate a right to the disputed domain name. The NAF noted that changing the ".com" to the ".us" domain was not sufficient to properly distinguish between the two websites. In fact, NAF deemed the domain names effectively identical to cause confusion among users. Additionally, the respondent could not claim a legitimate interest in the disputed domain name because not only did he not have any registered trade or service marks, but he was not otherwise identified by the specific domain name. In other words, he did not have any other economic ties that would establish his right to keep the domain name. Indeed, the disputed website was directed to another website with comments regarding the client's products, which would add further confusion for consumers because two identical websites led to two different locations. Furthermore, Mr. Atrizadeh was also able to demonstrate that the respondent had registered the disputed domain name in bad faith in an effort to later sell the address for a higher price. In light of all the evidence, the NAF determined that the evidence was sufficient to establish an order in favor of our client thereby requiring the respondent to turn over the disputed domain name.

Mr. Atrizadeh has handled hundreds of similar cases in state and federal courts with positive outcomes. We have been able to achieve client goals at various levels. Finally, it's important to note that our expertise in internet, computer, and technology laws can help clients in Los Angeles, California who are dealing with similar disputes.